If you were injured in a motor vehicle accident in Alberta, it is important that you know your rights. It can be difficult to understand the complex laws surrounding motor vehicle accidents and the legal process of filing a claim following an injury or fatality. Knowing your rights and being familiar with the law is the best way to protect yourself and ensure you receive the compensation you deserve for your injuries.
In Alberta, victims of motor vehicle accidents have specific rights related to claiming damages caused by the accident. If another driver was responsible for causing the accident, they may be required to cover any costs arising from personal injury or death as well as financial losses due to property damage. In addition, if someone is injured in an accident and it was not their fault, they have the ability to sue for general damages such as pain and suffering.
When filing a claim for damages related to a motor vehicle accident, there are certain deadlines that must be met in order to be eligible for benefits or compensation. Generally speaking, those who are injured in an accident must file a claim against the at fault party within two years of the date of the incident. If you have been injured, there are other steps to be taken to preserve your claim that may have timelines so it is best practice to contact experienced legal representation as soon as possible after an incident occurs.
In addition to having rights relating to filing a claim after an accident, anyone involved in a motor vehicle collision has certain obligations as well. For example, all motorists are required under Alberta law to stop at the scene of an accident if they were involved or witnessed it taking place. There are also benefits available to you through your own car insurer.
If you were recently injured following a motor vehicle accident in Alberta we recommend you speak with experienced legal representation regarding your rights and what steps should be taken next. At Sinclair Law Office our team will provide comprehensive advice on how best proceed with filing a claim based on your unique situation and advocate for maximum compensation owed from anyone found liable for your loss or injury. Contact us today so we can help answer any questions about your rights after being injured in a motor vehicle accident in Alberta!
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